Proposal #XXX

MortgageExchange Ellie Mae to Servicing Director for Landmark Credit Union

The Opportunity

Become a more efficient Mortgage Department

Minimize the number of hands that need to touch your mortgage data.  With MortgageExchange™, one individual can monitor the translation results.  The entire integration can become an automatic process.

Our cloud integration process ensures your data is flowing properly.  If one of your software vendors makes changes to their platform, ABT makes the necessary changes to the interface to ensure data is flowing accurately. Customization with your organizational needs in mind are created as your solution is created.

This unique cloud based interface was created with multiple organizational needs in mind.  You do not need to change your work flow or processes, MortgageExchange™ fits you.

This proposal was accepted by company member. If you have any questions, please send a message to Chris Schwartz-Edmisten <>.